Top 10k strings from Kickstart (1987)(Pete Tester).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 or drive no (1-8)
   1 Press key to LOAD
   1 G>A6 #6<#w<#6>#6 
   1 8D8x8@8D<@
   1 23637+256*
   1 , by following the"'"on screen prompt to press a"'"drive number (1-8)."
   1 '"The programme displays a menu   of all the BASIC files found    associating each with a letter, the required programme can then be loaded with the press of justone key."
   1 '"Alternatively another cartridge can be similarly catalogued eventhough it may not contain a copyof 
   1 '"AUTHOR P. TESTER";#
   1 "The working copy of 
   1 "Place cartridge into drive 1 andenter the number of copies to besaved"''a
   1  istailored by this master program to suit the version of interface1 found and is saved with the"'"filename ""run"". As the ""run"""'"programme is short, (less than  one sector), many copies can be saved to speed up the time it   takes for the programme to be   found."
   1  is a simple and short programme that catalogues a"'"cartridge and enables you to    select and load with the minimumof typing."
   1  Pete Tester